It’s a small town . . . with a population of just 9,642 people. It’s a pretty rough-and-tumble place, made up mostly of people who wanted to get away from the big population centers. They were willing to come to a place where most people were farmers, although both a merchant class and an intelligentsia . . . Read More
JCGC’s Board of Trustees has approved the sale of burial lots in the last two undeveloped areas of the Montgomery cemetery at 7885 Ivygate Ln. Both areas are at the end of the cemetery farthest from the entrance. The larger area will represent an expansion in available lots in this traditionally Reform cemetery. The other . . . Read More
September 30th marks the end of our fourth full year of operating as JCGC. It was an eventful year. Most important was the purchase of 23 acres of land for a new cemetery on Loveland-Miamiville Rd, about a mile from the Ward’s Corner exit on I -275. We were fortunate to have the Jewish Foundation . . . Read More