Products & Services
Making Pre-Arrangements
Preparing for the end of life by making your cemetery property purchases and burial arrangements before the need arises is a gift of love. Your family will not have to make difficult decisions at the most trying of times. They’ll know your wishes and will be able to fulfill them. You will reduce the financial burden on those you leave behind, and you’ll also avoid future price escalations.
If you are interested in making pre-arrangements, please contact our independent sales associate, Bill Kahn, at 513-403-3875.
Purchasing a Cemetery Lot
Some people prefer to purchase lots at a young age, while others choose to purchase lots as they get older. Others wait until the lots are needed. There is no right answer. We will be happy to assist you when you are ready.
Several factors should be considered in choosing a cemetery lot. Many people like to purchase lots in the same cemetery as their relatives or in the cemetery that has been historically associated with their synagogue. Another important consideration is the proximity of the cemetery to family and friends to facilitate visiting.
The location of the lot can be chosen from a map or on site at the cemetery. The choice of a lot is a personal choice and can be influenced by different preferences, such as the desire to be near a tree, near a walkway, etc.
Another important question is the number of lots to purchase. Some purchasers wish to provide for future generations of their families, while others desire only a single lot or two lots for the lot owner and spouse. Purchasers should discuss this with their family before making arrangements.
If you are interested in purchasing a cemetery lot, please contact our independent sales associate, Bill Kahn, at 513-403-3875.
Purchasing a Memorial
Most families prefer to have a monument or marker installed within the first year of death. The choice of a memorial is a matter of personal preference. Some families choose memorials that are upright; some choose memorials that are flat. You can also choose a single, double, family or estate monument. The Rules and Regulations section of the website contains additional information on the guidelines that should be followed when selecting and installing memorials.
JCGC partners with Acsent, a long-established local dealer, to provide families with high quality memorials. If you are interested in purchasing a memorial, please contact us at 513-961-0178 ( or you may contact Acsent directly at 513-721-5050 (
Visitation Services
For those unable to visit the cemetery where their loved one is interred, a JCGC representative will visit the cemetery on the yahrzeit, the birthday, a holiday, or a designated date to place a visitation stone, a single flower, or a floral basket on the grave and recite the traditional prayers. To obtain current pricing information, please call us at 513-961-0178.
Cleaning Services
For those who wish to have monuments or markers of loved ones cleaned, JCGC will provide this service. To obtain current pricing information, please call us at 513-961-0178.