Friends Campaign
The JCGC "Friends Campaign" represents a very important element in ensuring JCGC’s financial sustainability. The campaign brought $2 million in gifts to JCGC. In addition to ensuring JCGC’s financial sustainability, these gifts have enabled JCGC to make needed repairs in the cemeteries.
We thank our donors for their generosity and recognize them as follows:
Wilbur Cohen Family
Bill and Susan Friedlander
Joyce and Paul Heiman
Dorothy Lockspeiser
Manuel D. and Rhoda Mayerson Foundation
Harris Weston
Gordon and Bob Weil Families
Jean Bergstein
Fisher Family Foundation
Shelly Gerson
Murray, Stephen, Louis, Harold and Ian Guttman Families
Stanley Kaplan Foundation
Ted, Ben and Marvin Schwartz Families
Phyllis Sewell
Vigran Family Foundation
Alex and Lynn Warm
Harvey Bergman
Bloch Family
David and Kari Ellis
Arthur H. and Bernice H. Friedman
Anne, Paul, Fred and Roger Heldman
David and Karen Hoguet
Dick Jolson
Louis H. Katz
Edward and Anita Marks
Alvin Meisel
Gene Mesh
Michael and Diane Oestreicher
Gerald Robinson
Eleanor and Andrew Shott Families
Bernie Barbash
Robert L. Betagole
Andrew Berman
Stanley A. Berman
June Burgin
Larry A. Byer Family
Jim Chalfie
Barry and Jan Armstrong Cobb
Philip S. Cohen
Frankel Family Foundation
Richard Freiberg M.D.
Linda and Gary Greenberg
Daniel and Lee Hoffheimer
Barry Kohn
Richard Lapedes and Maureen Lynch
Alvin Levine
Alvin Lipson
Virginia Stix Lurie
Helene and Millard H. Mack
Mailender, Inc
Gary and Lois Marcus
Andy Markiewitz, MD
Jerry Mellman
Mitchell and Jackie Meyers
Joe Medelsohn III
Larry Neuman
Regine Ransohoff
Millard E. Samuels
Gwendolyn Shapiro
Stephen Schwartz
Charles Stix
Paul Tobias
Meriel Vigran
Richard Weiland
David and Nancy Wolf
Thomas and Marilyn Zemboch
Elinor and Bill Ziv