Legacy Gifts / CYJL / Guardians Legacy Society
Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati (JCGC) is participating in Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL), a collaborative effort of area agencies, congregations and cemeteries, and day schools.
Leaving a Bequest or Planned Gift to JCGC will help JCGC care for its cemeteries, develop land for a new cemetery that will serve future generations, and be a valuable historical and educational resource for the community.
If you are interested in learning more about a Legacy Gift, contact Sue Susskind at 513-961-0178, or you can download our Letter of Intent and make a commitment.
We thank those individuals who have made a Legacy Gift to JCGC, and are now a member of our Guardians Legacy Society, since CYJL commenced late in 2014.
Mallory and Jeffrey Adler
Marjorie and Steven Adler
Barry and Jan Armstrong Cobb
Pam Barnett
Richard and Sara Behrman
BreeAnna Bergman
Michael Bergman
Alan and Christie Brown
Wilbur* and Miriam Cohen
The Mark R. Cohen Family Trust
Malcolm and Adell Coleman*
Craig and Frances Coleman
Stephen Dann
Dr. Murray and Anita Dock
Deborah Eckert-Rubinstein
Mack and Judi Evans
Diana and Henry Fenichel
Allison* and Edward Frankel
Rebbie and Norman Frankel
Gail* and Dick Friedman
Carrie and Ken Goldhoff
David C. Harris
Paul and Joyce* Heiman
Andy A. and Debbie Heldman
James G. Heldman and Wendy Saunders
Lauren and Aaron Herzig
Andrea and Edward Herzig
Daniel J. Hoffheimer
Karen and David Hoguet
John Isidor and Sandy Kaltman
Josh and Tracy Juran
Robert and Lynne Kanter
Karen and Brad Kaplan
Mona and Dick Kerstine
Barry S. and Stephanie H. Kogan
Bernard Lenchitz
Leah Levine*
Ina and Edward Loftspring
Evelyn Margolin
Andy and Peggy Markiewitz
Anita and Edward G. Marks
Alvin “Bunny” Meisel
Susan Brenner and Steven Mombach
Dena Morton
Joy S. and Thomas Nadler
Carol and Larry Neuman
Diane Oestreicher
Michael Oestreicher
Marlene Ostrow
Sue and Jay* Price
Rachel and Steven* Schild
Sarah Schneider
David and Abby Schwartz
Stephen A. Schwartz
Eric and Kricket Schwartzberg
Samantha Segerman
Susan and Steven Segerman
Amy and Jason Shaiman
Joshua Shapiro
Andrew and Sally Shott
Izar and Stacey Spivak
Josephine G. Stillpass
Ashley and Robb Stokar
Bob and Marcia Sugerman
Sharon Lynn Nelson and Kenneth Venick
Suzanne Voos
Jake and Briana Warm
Raphael and Nancy Warren
Chie and David Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Weil
Dick Weiland*
Edward Wertheimer*
Matt* and Ann Yosafat
Karen and Stuart Zanger
Elinor and Bill* Ziv
Anonymous (14)