JCGC Reaches "Create Your Jewish Legacy" Program Goals in First Year — Secures 29 Letters of Intent
JCGC Reaches "Create Your Jewish Legacy" program goals in First Year — Secures 29 Letters of Intent Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati (JCGC) is participating in Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL), a collaborative effort of 12 Cincinnati area agencies, congregations and cemeteries, and day schools that was initiated late in 2014 to secure legacy gifts.
CYJL team members for JCGC include Jan Armstrong Cobb, Josh Shapiro, David Hoguet and Team Leader Larry Neuman. The overall Cincinnati effort is led by David Harris of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and underwritten by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
The initial goal for all organizations participating in the program for the first year was 18 Letters of Intent (LOI’s). Reaching this goal would result in a $10,000 incentive payment to each participating organization from the Grinspoon Foundation. As JCGC exceeded this goal in the summer of 2015, a new goal of 29 Letters of Intent was established along with an additional $5,000 incentive payment. JCGC achieved this goal in December.
Congratulations to Larry Neuman and his team for a great effort in our first year! And a big thank you to the JCGC Board for an 88% participation rate in the program.