Article Introduction for “A New Resting Place for the Scattered Sons of Israel”
JCGC has enjoyed the unique opportunity to work with The Filson Historical Society this year to highlight the very special history of Chestnut Street Cemetery. The Filson Society is the publisher of several periodicals, including Ohio Valley History Journal, a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal of the history and culture of the Ohio Valley and the Upper South collaboratively edited and published by The Filson Historical Society, Cincinnati Museum Center, and the University of Cincinnati. The Fall 2022 OVH Journal was dedicated to celebrating the bicentennial of Cincinnati’s Jewish community. The complete journal is available by contacting Jamie Evans at, or 502-635-5083. Please note that Ohio Valley History is available to members of the Filson both in print and online. To learn more about levels of membership and subscription to the journal, click here.
Here is Carrie Rhodus’ complete article, gratefully reproduced in full with special permissions from the editors of Ohio Valley History Journal.