Trees & Shrubs: Trees and shrubs may be planted only with the written approval of JCGC, both as to the size and variety of tree or shrub, and to its exact location.
All plantings and ongoing maintenance are the responsibility of the owner, who should coordinate with JCGC prior to performing work.
JCGC reserves the right to remove any tree or shrub that is not properly maintained, that encroaches on other grave sites or common areas or that interferes with the maintenance of the grounds. The removal may be at the owner’s expense.
JCGC assumes no responsibility to replace trees or shrubs that die, become diseased, or are damaged by the opening of graves, the installation of monuments, or otherwise in the operation of the cemetery.
Ground Cover: JCGC will plant grass on individually-owned grave sites, as well as upon common areas. No ground cover or grass may be planted by the owner.
Flowers: Flowers are not permitted in the Orthodox cemeteries. In all other cemeteries, after conferring with JCGC, owners may plant flowers in areas designated by JCGC immediately adjacent to markers or monuments, provided that they do not interfere with cemetery maintenance. The owners will be responsible for weeding and removal of dead flowers.
JCGC will exercise reasonable care but will not be responsible for damages to flowering plants caused by grass mowing or trimming, by the application of weed-killing chemicals, or by other work done in connection with the operation, maintenance or repair of the cemetery.